Some History
On Thursday, July 9, 1953, thirteen prospective members met at 7:00 p.m. in St. Cecilia's Hall, to form a Kiwanis Club in Glen Carbon.
The following were present:
George Barnhart, Robert Eads, W. Harold Helfer, Wilfred Hilla, Harold E. Krohne, Tony Pekar, Aurie Primas, Robert J. A. Renard, Albert Ricker, Edward Schroeder, Robert Schroeder, Thomas Shashek and George P. Weiler.
Officers elected for the newly formed club were:
President ................... W. Harold Helfer
Vice President .......... Robert Renard
Secretary ................... Albert Ricker
Treasurer ................... Edward Schroeder
Charter Night started promptly at 7:00 p.m. on September 10th, 1953, at St. Cecilia's Hall. By this time the club had 36 members on the roster. Over 200 people jammed into the small hall for the occasion. All attending Kiwanians were ecstatic at having International President Donald Forsythe as the featured speaker. Louis Bouillion, President of the Edwardsville sponsoring club called the meeting to order. Lesley Marks led the singing, accompanied by Delores Carter.
Seven year old Billy Ricker sang "America the Beautiful", and ten year old Joey Hlavsa scored heavily with accordion solos. (40 years later, to the day, that young accordion soloist again entertains as Joey James and his Orchestra).
John Allaria George Barnhart Bernard Birger Joseph Burgdorf George Burian Joseph Burian Jr. Leonard Buzick Robert Eads Bernard Hackethal Nick Hamilos Leroy Harris W. Harold Helfer Wilfred Hilla Clayton Hogan
Harold Krohne Joseph Krotz Ray Leach Lester Motz Ben Neutzling William O'Hare Tony Pekar Aurie Primas Frank Primor William Rasplica Robert Renard Albert Ricker Edward Schroeder Robert Schroeder
Glen Seaton Tony Sedlacek Clyde Shashek Thomas Shashek Rudolph Slemer Russell Treat
George Weiler Dewey Wilkison